> 春节2024 > 每年都在谁身边过年英语



\"他们每年都聚在一起,庆祝春节\" 的英语怎么说

The English expression for \"他们每年都聚在一起,庆祝春节\" is \"They gather together every year to celebrate the Spring Festival.\" The word \"gather\" implies the meaning of coming together.

人们一般在春节干什么? 用英语怎么说?

The question \"人们一般在春节干什么?\" can be translated into English as \"What do people usually do during the Spring Festival?\" or \"What activities are common during the Spring Festival?\" It is important to note the use of prepositions. When using \"Spring Festival,\" the word \"the\" should be added, but when using \"Spring Day,\" the word \"the\" is not necessary. This is a common convention for expressing holidays.


Here are some English phrases related to the Spring Festival:
- The Spring Festival
- Chinese New Year
- Celebrating the Lunar New Year
- Spring Festival traditions
- Festive activities during the Spring Festival
These phrases can be used to discuss various aspects of the Spring Festival in English writing or conversations.


Here is a comprehensive list of English words related to different holidays:
- New Year\'s Day
- Christmas
- Easter
- Halloween
- Thanksgiving
- Independence Day
- Valentine\'s Day
- Labor Day
- National Day
- National Children\'s Day
- Women\'s Day
These words can be used to talk about specific holidays and their significance.


During the Spring Festival in China, people usually return home to celebrate with their families. This leads to fewer people on the streets as many are on vacation or spending time with their loved ones. However, despite the reduced street activity, there are still many lively events and traditions taking place, such as the Lantern Festival and firework shows.


The translation of the sentence \"春节在中国是一个非常重要的节日,通常在二月份庆祝\" into English is \"The Spring Festival is a very important holiday in China, typically celebrated in February. During the festival, there are various customs and traditions that people follow, such as family reunions, exchanging gifts, and enjoying festive meals.\"


The translation of the sentence \"春节是我国传统的节日,在那个节日里,我去我的奶奶家\" into English is \"The Spring Festival is a traditional Chinese holiday, and during that time, I visit my grandmother\'s house.\" The Spring Festival is a time for family gatherings and it is common for people to visit their relatives and spend quality time together.


The English expression for \"在新年这天\" is \"On New Year\'s day.\" This refers to the specific day of the year when the new year begins.


The phrase \"(每逢过年)\" can be translated into English as \"every time when Spring Festival comes\" or \"whenever the Spring Festival arrives.\" It indicates that the mentioned event or action occurs repeatedly during the Spring Festival.

是 in/at/on/springfestival 是in/at/ontheSpringfestival吗?_...

The correct expression is \"at Spring Festival\" which means \"在春节期间.\" This phrase indicates that something happens during the whole period of the Spring Festival, which is not limited to a single day. On the other hand, \"on Chinese New Year\'s Day\" is used to refer to a specific day, such as the first day of the lunar calendar. For example, it is correct to say \"at Christmas\" which means \"在圣诞期间,\" indicating the entire Christmas season and festivities.