> 春节2024 > 你最想谁陪你过年英文





John:I want to make an appointment with Peter and you during Spring Festival.

John is looking forward to meeting up with Peter and the person he is addressing during the Spring Festival.


my favorite festival is Spring Festival.

The Spring Festival is my most favorite festival of all.



Wishing you, your teachers, classmates, and friends a happy new year and successful academic achievement.

It is important to send well wishes to friends, teachers, and classmates during the holiday season, as a way to strengthen relationships and improve academic performance.


eat dumpling: 吃饺子

get gift money from elder: 压岁钱

wear red clothing: 穿红色服装

touch off the firecracker: 放鞭炮

During the Spring Festival, it is customary to eat dumplings, receive red envelopes with gift money from elders, wear red clothing for good luck, and light firecrackers to ward off evil spirits.



春节 (Spring Festival)
过春节 (celebrate Spring Festival)

Are you asking for the English translation of \"Spring Festival\" or for phrases related to celebrating the Spring Festival?

It is important to clarify the context in order to provide the appropriate translation.


Hello, Aunt. I am your nephew from China. On behalf of my family, I would like to send you our greetings.

其实我想要你的 EMAIL 地址,还有,我想知道我怎么翻译成英文。

As a way to stay connected with family members who are far away, it is common to exchange email addresses and send greetings during special occasions like the Spring Festival.


My favorite is the Spring Festival.

The Spring Festival is my most beloved celebration.

For many people, the Spring Festival holds a special place in their hearts due to its festive atmosphere and cultural significance.



New Year is approaching quickly, and it is our favorite festival!

As New Year\'s Day draws near, there is excitement and anticipation among people, as it is a time for celebration and new beginnings.


My brother\'s favorite festival

我哥哥最喜欢的节日是春节。How do you say it in English?

It is interesting to note that each individual has their own favorite festival. In the case of my brother, his favorite festival is the Spring Festival. This choice may be influenced by various factors such as cultural traditions, personal experiences, and family customs.



Spring Festival 春节

Mid-Autumn Festival 中秋节

Dragon Boat Festival 端午节

Double Seventh Festival 七夕节

Chinese New Year is known as Spring Festival in English. Other traditional Chinese festivals include Mid-Autumn Festival, Dragon Boat Festival, and Double Seventh Festival.

These festivals are not only celebrations but also important cultural events that showcase the rich heritage and traditions of Chinese culture.